Where Do You Fit?

Peace Sign

Where Do You Fit?
Written By Felicia McKnight

1 Corinthians 12:14-19
For in fact the body is not one member but many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,” is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling? But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be?

I normally write on Wednesdays, but my heart is heavy. Like many of you I was at a loss of words and grieving for all of the events that have taken place this week as a result of gun violence. The other night I woke up around midnight to see a gazillion notifications on my cell phone that read “multiple Dallas officers shot”. My eyes couldn’t believe what I was reading. Was I dreaming? I turned the TV on to CNN only to discover this was really happening. I watched in disbelief. I was first saddened to hear about Alton Sterling. I wake up the next morning to be saddened once again by Philando Castile and now 12 police officers (5 who lost their lives). Each incident saddened me and angered me. After hearing about the Dallas Police Officers this incident broke me. I couldn’t sleep. I cried all night. I was scared. I cried throughout the morning. I don’t know the last time I cried so much, but my heart aches for the families and for this nation. All I could think is that a war has broken out in our nation. I didn’t know how to pray or what to say. I’ve watched the news. I’ve watched people put blame on guns, police, President Obama and the black lives matter movement. Frankly I am disgusted at all of the finger pointing. The bottom line is NO HUMAN deserves to have their life taken from them for minding their business, having a good time at a club, getting their hustle on, driving down the street, or doing their job to the best of their ability. There is no excuse and no reason. As I pondered on this entire matter the bottom line is EVIL is lurking. EVIL is the root issue. EVIL is what causes people to kill other people for no reason.

As I pondered on what could I do to make a difference my heart lead me to do what I do best is to pray. God placed 1 Corinthians 12 on my heart as people shift the blame and post that we all need “to do something to make a difference.” That is very true. We all need to stand up and do something. But your something may be different from another person’s something. If your something is peaceful protests, then know that your voice makes a difference. If your something is to lobby for change in gun laws, then please know your something makes a difference. If your something is to stand behind the scenes and pray, then know that God hears and your prayers are NOT in vain. Now is not the time for a separation because of how we each choose to make a difference. As the scripture reminds us today our something, our calling, and our gifts on these matters collectively can make a difference if we all unite for the betterment of humanity.

You probably won’t see me protesting and that’s OK. I may not see you praying or writing letters to congress and that’s OK. But whatever we chose to do as long as we are doing it peacefully and with the love of Christ together we can all make a difference on these matters.

I’m tired like the rest of you of picking up my phone and seeing so many breaking news notifications or turning on the news to another tragedy. My heart aches and my heart is heavy! Even as I write this I hurt still and I cry. I just want it all to stop! Just a few days ago we were celebrating the 4th of July Holiday. We were singing about freedom and America the Beautiful. Right now America is broken and hurting. Our nation needs peace again, and love, and justice, and most of all unity.

This is my view, but I know these tragedies can be looked at from so many angles, and that’s what makes us all unique and different.

1 Corinthians 12:27
Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.

I encourage everyone reading this today to do what God created and called you to do. If we each do our part individually we can make a difference collectively as the whole body of Christ!

“May that which unites us be greater than that which divides us.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes

God Bless You. God Bless This Nation. God heal this nation. Be blessed, be encouraged, and be in peace!

I love you and God loves you!

Alton Sterling
Philando Castile
Brent Thompson
Patrick Zamarripa
Michael Krol
Michael Smith
Lorne Ahrens
Pulse Night Club Victims
All those whose lives have been lost to senseless, unjustified violence


Heavenly Father, Our Nation Needs you like never before. We pray for your healing on this nation. We pray for your strength, comfort, and guidance for all those who mourn those whose lives were tragically lost this week. We pray for peace, unity, love, and justice. We pray for your word in Psalm 46:9 to come to pass over our country and that you will cause this war to cease amongst humanity. In Jesus Name. Amen