Testimony of Abiding


Testimony of Abiding
Written by Felicia McKnight

John 15:5 NIV
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

I was recently having my devotional time and I got stuck on this particular scripture passage as I started reflecting on the vine and bearing fruit. John 15 is a parable Jesus told to explain the relationship of the vine (Jesus) and the branches (You and Me). To have a healthy relationship with Jesus, who is an extension of God himself, means to abide in Him. To abide means to remain, continue, stay. (dictionary.com)

How do we abide, remain, continue, and stay in Christ? As with any relationship you desire to maintain and nature it requires time and effort. You have to spend time getting to know someone and communicate with them before considering a person a friend. We can abide in Christ through several ways.

First, spend time reading your Bible and studying the Word of God. As you study the word of God you learn more about His character and His ways. You learn His promises and His intentions for us. As we study God’s word the Holy Spirit will speak to you and reveal the passages to you in ways that applies to your life.

Spend time in prayer speaking to God. Prayer can change situations in your life. It can get you answers to what you stand in need of. When we study God’s word and communicate with Him we have to also learn to worship and praise Him for who He is and for the mighty things He has done in our lives.

When you master studying God’s word, praying, and worshiping Him, Jesus informs us that you will bear much fruit. Fruit is evidence of a plant that it has been nurtured and producing what is intended for it to produce. I think of a fig tree that was in my grandmother’s yard. Some seasons it produced a lot of figs and there were other seasons it was just a tree that didn’t bear any fruit. One of the factors of the fig tree producing fruit was its environment and climate. Was there enough rain to water the tree or was the tree thirsty leaving it not as healthy and unable to produce a lot of fruit. Likewise with us, are we receiving all that we need from God by abiding in Him to produce fruit?

I think about my own life. As I have studied the word of God over the past year alone I think of the transformation it has brought about in my personal life. I think of my deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father as I have learned more about Him and His ways. I think of the endless hours I have spent in prayer as I have watched prayer transform my life and the lives of others. I’ve witnessed through prayer and knowing God’s word how God can move in miraculous ways in our lives and bring forth breakthrough when we rely on His strength and his power. I think about how abiding in God’s word has allowed me to produce fruit by giving back to others through my weekly Feevotionals!

Today, July 10th is a special day for me. It marks the one year anniversary that I launched Feevotionals and this particular post is my 50th post! It is a joy to bear fruit by sharing God’s word and edifying others to experience all that God has to offer us.

I want to take time out to thank those of you who have been praying for me and your words of encouragement. Thank you for those who stop me when they see me to say how blessed they are by a message. Thank you for those who call me, text, me or send me an e-mail to let me know how a Feevotional has encouraged you and others that you share them with.

“Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.” (Galatians 6:6)

I love hearing from you so please continue the feedback. I appreciate all of your words of encouragement as they remind me that these devotionals are not in vain, my prayers are being answered, I am operating in my purpose by baring fruit for the kingdom, and God’s glory is being revealed. Abiding in the vine has given me the wisdom, knowledge, and strength to write each week. All glory, honor, and praise belongs to God!

Lord, thank you for this special day. Thank you for this one year anniversary of Feevotionals. Thank you for using me as your vessel to bless others through your word. I thank you for every person who is subscribed and reads them. I lift up every reader of Feevotionals to you praying and believing by faith that as we abide in you we will all bear fruit by becoming the men and women of God you purposed us to be. Amen

6 thoughts on “Testimony of Abiding

  1. Felecia,

    This is a wonderful devotional.  Thanks for your commitment to sharing what God put on your heart.

    Have a blessed day.


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